District Chairs


This document is a guide to ensure that each District Chairperson has all the information needed to successfully get their delegates selected and registered. The ultimate success of the program and the experience your delegates have in June starts here. We need your assistance in following the steps and meeting key dates.Please review all the information contained in this packet and refrain from going on “auto pilot.”There have been important changes for 2025.

  1. Please review the Checklist attached to this package with “What’s New.”
  2. For 2025 we need each District Chairperson to provide us with a list of their Post Chairsby December 15, 2024. Submission should be on an EXCEL spreadsheet (or Google sheet) sent to Chief Counselor Tim Aboudara, Sr. Please include (in the order below): 
    1. Post Chair Name
    2. Post Number
    3. Post Chair email address
    4. Post Chair Phone number
  3. Immediately upon receiving your package from Department Headquarters, check that the number of Blue Sponsorship Cards is sufficient to meet your quota of delegates. There should also be Alternate (pink) cards. If you determine, at any point, that you need additional Alternate cards, please reach out to Cheryl Ing at Department Headquarters. The allocation to each Post in your District is the sole and total responsibility of the District Chairperson. The contents of the packets include: 
    1. Remittance Cards (1 for each Post that sponsored Delegates in 2024 plus 2 extra) 
    2. Sponsorship Cards (1 for each Delegate allocation plus 2 extra in the event one is damaged)
    3. Alternate Cards (1 for every 2 Sponsorship Cards) 
    4. Guidelines for Post Commanders and Post Chairperson (1 for each Post that sponsored a Delegate in 2024 plus 2 extra)
    5. The Letter to Post Commanders and Post Chairperson is updated for 2025. 
    6. You will NOT be able to use “leftovers” of any material that you may have from prior years. Please destroy any prior year material that you have.
    7. Note: We are no longer printing the large brochure. Candidates, parents, and school counselors can view all the information previously included in the “brochure” by visiting www.californiaboysandgirlsstate.org .



Blue (Sponsorship) Cards: You will receive Blue cards equal to the number of delegates your District has been allocated. In addition, you will receive 2 additional cards in the event a card gets lost, damaged, etc. If you receive additional allocation(s) above your allocation from the Commission Chairperson, you may then use those cards. If you receive extra allocations and you do not have cards, you may request them from Carolina Calderon ([email protected]).

Pink (Alternate) Cards: You will receive one Pink (Alternate) Card for every two Blue (Sponsorship) Cards that you receive. If you need additional Pink (alternate) Cards, you may request them from Carolina Calderon. You must include Boys & Girls State Commission Chairman Ted Hillyer on the email request.

  1. Put your name address and phone number on the outside of each packet. It is imperative that you immediately forward the packets to the individual Post Chairpersons so they can get started. Please make sure that the Post Chairperson knows to read all the material before starting their selection process. Please DO NOT wait until a District Meeting to distribute the packets. All Post Chairpersons should have their packets no later than January 20, 2025.
  1. Your allocation this year is the same as the number of delegates that attended from your District in 2024.
  1. When you reach out to your Post Chairpersons to provide them with their packets, encourage them to reach out to schools in their area from which they have not sent Delegates in the past. If you, as District Chairperson, need additional “allocations” added to your current allocation, please contact American Legion California Boys & Girls State Commission Chairperson Ted Hillyer immediately for approval. There are a limited number of extra beds for 2025. You may find that your request will be placed on a waiting list until other District Chairpersons notify the Commission Chairperson that they are not using all the delegate allocations that were assigned to them.

We are a Coed Program. Post Chairs need to reach out to the high school guidance or college/career counselors and principals in your area and seek their recommendations for outstanding students for you to consider sponsoring. Remember, you are now asking for “students,” not just boys. You will find the response from the school principals and/or counselors to be very receptive. Encourage them to select candidates based on scholarship, leadership, and involvement in school activities for you to interview. Candidates must have at least one semester left in their senior year after completion of the 2025 American Legion California Boys & Girls State session. Please contact all the high schools in your area as one of the goals of the program is to have at least one student from every high school in the state.

  1. Please request all your Post Chairpersons to report to you the number of delegates and the high schools from which they will come as soon as possible. If you are unable to use all your allocation, please contact American Legion California Boys & Girls State Commission Chairperson Ted Hillyer as soon as possible with the number that will be attending from your District. You can reach Ted by phone: (530) 219-8338 or email: [email protected]
  1. If you need additional or replacement Sponsorship Cards, please contact CarolinaCalderon at Department Headquarters. Please include American Legion California Boys & Girls State Commission Chairperson Ted Hillyer on the email request. The Commission Chairperson must approve Additional Sponsorship (Blue) Cards.
  1. It is imperative that all Yellow Remittance cards and Registration Fees be received by Department Headquarters NO LATER THAN March 1, 2025. The fee for 2025 is $500.00 per delegate. In addition, the American Legion Boys & Girls State Commission decided at its November 4, 2023, Meeting to add a $50.00 Registration Fee to be paid by the Delegates’ parent or guardian. This $50.00 fee is to be collected by the sponsoring Post and included with the Delegate Fee when submitting the Yellow Remittance Card to Department Headquarters. (A Post may, at its discretion, pay the “Parent/Guardian Registration Fee.”) Please instruct your Posts to have their Registration Fees to you no later than February 20, 2025. Please send the fees and Remittance Cards to Department Headquarters: 1601 7th Street, Sanger, CA 93657, Phone (559) 875-8387 no later than March 1, 2025. These are “firm” dates.
  1. Sponsorship by SAL Squadrons and Auxiliary Units: This is a reminder that Squadrons and Auxiliary Units may sponsor delegates through the Posts to which they are attached. Any delegates sponsored by a Squadron or Auxiliary Unit comes from your District allocation of delegates and needs to be coordinated through the Post. This is an excellent way to include the entire Legion Family in the sponsorship process and ease some of the financial responsibility on the Post.


  1. Urge all Posts to contact the high school(s) from which they want to sponsor a delegate as soon as possible after they receive their packet(s). Have the school recommend a minimum of 2 candidates for the Post Representatives to interview for every delegate spot they will fill. The Post Representatives must do the interview and make the final selection(s). An Alternate should be selected at the same time the delegates are chosen. Please encourage your Post Chairperson to be an active participant in the selection process.
  1. Be sure that the Post Chairperson gives the delegate the instructions for Online Registration at the same time they give the delegate the Blue Sponsorship Card. Make sure that the Post Chairperson return all Blue Sponsorship Cards to you NO LATER THAN March 22, 2025. BLUE SPONSORSHIP CARDS ARE DUE FROM YOU TO DEPARTMENT HEADQUARTERS NO LATER THAN April 1, 2025. Please be sure you make a copy of all Blue and Pink Cards. Again, these are firm dates. Districts that miss these due dates put remaining unpaid Delegate allocations in jeopardy.
  1. Alternates are to be given Pink Alternate Cards as soon as they are chosen. They are to register following the same steps as a Delegate. In the case where an Alternate is selected to attend American Legion California Boys & Girls State:
    1. The Post Chairperson will notify the District Chairperson and forward the Alternate’s Pink Alternate form to the District Chairperson. NOTE: The District Chairperson, at his/her discretion, may instruct Post Chairpersons to send their Alternate Cards to them at the same time as Sponsorship Cards are submitted.
    2. The District Chairperson must hold on to the Alternate Card until an Alternate is elevated to Delegate status. When an Alternate is elevated to Delegate status, follow the steps below:
      1. The District Chairperson will forward the Pink card to Department Headquarters when sending in the rest of his/her Blue Delegate Sponsorship Cards including the name of the Delegate that the Alternate is replacing (if applicable)
      2. Do not send in Alternate Cards for individuals who have not been elevated to Delegate.
    3. The District Chairperson will send an email to Carolina Calderon, Ed Denson and Tim Aboudara, Sr. with the information including (b) i. above.
  1. Record and keep the name, address, phone number and email address of all Delegates and Alternates from your District. Please ensure that you, your Post Chairs and each Delegate has a copy or copies of their respective Delegate/Alternate card(s). Delegates attending Virtual Orientations will need their registration number to attend a virtual orientation. Program Staff will not/does not have the bandwidth to retrieve the registration numbers for Delegates/Posts that have lost them.
  1. All Program Orientations for the 2025 Session will be Virtual. Orientations which will take place between April 27 and May 17, 2025. A schedule will be posted in February. Districts are welcome to host a “gathering” with their Delegates, however, the “gathering’ will not replace the mandatory Virtual Orientations. If you choose to do a District In-person event, please do not call it an “Orientation.” This is based on a decision made by The American Legion California Boys & Girls State Commission at their November 2, 2024 meeting.
  1. Be sure that all of your Post Chairpersons stay connected with their delegate(s) to ensure that they will be attending the session. If for any reason a delegate cannot attend, the Post Chairperson must notify you as soon as possible. The Post Chairperson should then take steps to determine if an Alternate can take his/her place. The Post Chairperson must determine from the original delegate if he/she has completed his Online Registration. If he/she has, the District Chairperson, the Commission Chairperson and Department Headquarters must be notified immediately. 
  1. If your District is sending delegates by charter bus, please ensure that there is a roster of the names of the delegates who boarded the bus. The transportation information package that you will receive from Ted Hillyer will have very specific instructions about information needed if you are using charter bus transportation. It is imperative that you follow the instructions and provide the required information. It will make the arrival and departure process much smoother.
  1. Attached to the letter to the Post Commanders and Post Chairpersons is a copy of Resolution 16, passed by the American Legion National Executive Committee at its October 12-13, 2016, meeting in Indianapolis. Resolution 16 calls for all participants in American Legion Youth Programs to show proper respect to the U.S. flag, including during the playing of the National Anthem. Participants who do not adhere to this resolution are to be removed from the program. Beginning with the 2017 Session of The American Legion California Boys State, we commenced adhering to this Resolution. The Blue Sponsorship and Pink Alternate Cards have this information included on the back where they sign that they agree. We strongly encourage you to cover this topic with your Post Commanders and Post Chairpersons when you brief them about this year’s session so that there is no misunderstanding. 
  1. Remind your Post Chairperson of the following key dates:
    1. February 20, 2025: All Registration Fees and Remittance Cards are due to you, District Chairperson.
    2. March 22, 2025: All Blue Sponsorship Cards are due to you, District Chairperson. 
    3. On/about April 1, 2025:  Delegate Packets available on American Legion California Boys & Girls State website. (Email to be sent to delegates and parents’ email addresses.) Access will be available to District Chairpersons.
  1. Key dates for you District Chairperson to remember:
    1. January 4, 2025: Conference Call for all District Chairpersons with the American Legion California Boys & Girls State Senior Staff to review the procedures for 2025. All District Chairpersons are expected to attend. An email will be sent to all the District Chairpersons and Commission Members by December 15, 2024.
    2. Prior to or by March 1, 2025: Registration Fees and Remittance Cards are due to Department Headquarters from you.
    3. On/about March 15, 2025: Delegate Packets available on the program website: www.californiaboysandgirlsstate.org . Email to be sent to all registered delegates and parents’ email addresses. 
    4. No later than April 1, 2025: All Blue Sponsorship Cards are due to Department Headquarters from you.
    5. April 27 – May 17, 2025: Virtual Orientations. The exact dates will be announced in February.
    6. May 12, 2025: Final day to order Pre-Session packages for the 2025 Session.
    7. June 13, 2025: This is the absolute last day that an Alternate can be elevated to Delegate. The Program is unable to accept any additional Alternates after this date. Alternate elevations are subject to bed availability.

Following these guidelines will offer better communications by everyone involved and a smooth and successful American Legion California Boys & Girls State Program.

Important Contact Information:

Tim Aboudara, Sr., Chief Counselor

1803 Arroyo Sierra Circle

Santa Rosa, CA  95403

(707) 494-4314

Email: [email protected]

Gary Leach, Director

PO Box 491

Dunnigan, CA 95937

(530) 724-0324

Email: [email protected]

Ted Hillyer, Commission Chairperson

1742 Bella Casa Drive

Woodland, CA 95695

(530) 219-8338

Email: [email protected]

Email Addresses: Ed Denson: [email protected] 

 Carolina Calderon: [email protected]